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Exploring Top Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials: A Sustainable Approach

Nowadays, it is imperative for companies to take action and reduce their ecological footprint. A powerful step towards achieving this goal is by transitioning to environmentally-friendly packaging materials. This blog post aims to assist businesses in their transition by showcasing the best eco-friendly packaging materials available. Our focus is on sustainable practices, highlighting the various types of materials, their pros and cons, and how they can help businesses go green. If you're searching for an…
Khushboo Gupta
June 29, 2023

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The Art of Packaging Testing: Creating Products that Demand Attention

When a customer sees a product, the packaging is usually the first thing they notice. Therefore, it's crucial for businesses to design packaging that is visually appealing and creates a positive experience for customers. To make sure their products stand out on the shelves, companies are using packaging testing to ensure that their packaging catches the customer's eye and creates an emotional connection. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of packaging…
Khushboo Gupta
June 25, 2023

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Personalization Is Key: The Benefits of Corrugated Packaging Customization

In today's fast-paced world, customers expect personalized experiences. It's no different when it comes to packaging - gone are the days when a plain brown box was enough to protect and transport a product. Customization and personalization are the keys to standing out from the crowd and providing a memorable brand experience. That's why corrugated packaging customization has become such a crucial component of modern-day branding. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of personalized…
Khushboo Gupta
May 20, 2023

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Packaging with Purpose: 5 Eco-Friendly Choices for Your Retail Product

In the age of sustainability, it’s more important than ever to consider how your packaging impacts the environment. It’s no secret that single-use plastics are detrimental to our planet, and many retailers are choosing to go green in their packaging choices. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five eco-friendly materials to consider when packaging your retail product. By doing so, you can help reduce your environmental impact while still providing a great unboxing experience for…
Khushboo Gupta
May 11, 2023

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A Comprehensive Manual On How To Store And Handle Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated boxes are a popular choice for packaging thanks to their strength, durability, and versatility. Corrugated boxes are commonly used to ship goods and products, store goods in warehouses, and protect items during shipment. The use of corrugated boxes goes beyond just providing protection during transportation; it also plays a vital role in branding, marketing, and customer satisfaction. However, proper handling and storage are crucial to maintain the boxes' integrity and prevent damage. This blog…
Khushboo Gupta
March 20, 2023

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Environmentally Friendly Custom Retail Packaging Is The Future of Sustainable Business

Over the years, consumers and businesses alike have realized the importance of environmentally friendly products and following sustainable practices. An area that is particularly important for companies to address is custom retail packaging. Custom retail packaging is essential to branding and marketing, but traditional packaging materials often harm the environment. Sustainable custom retail packaging is the solution to this problem, providing businesses with a way to reduce their environmental impact while attracting environmentally conscious customers. …
Khushboo Gupta
March 14, 2023

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BlogCorrugated Packaging

Why Is Corrugated Packaging Key In Protecting Your Products And Safe Shipping

In today's globalized world, safe and secure shipping of products has become essential for businesses. And when it comes to packaging, corrugated packaging is key. Corrugated packaging is made of corrugated fiberboard, which consists of a fluted layer sandwiched between two flat layers. It is the most common type of packaging used for shipping and protecting products. In this blog post, we will discuss why corrugated packaging is essential for safe shipping and protecting products…
Khushboo Gupta
February 17, 2023

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BlogRetail Packaging

From Concept To Shelf: The Psychology Of Retail-Ready Packaging

As a retailer or manufacturer, you know that first impressions matter. The way your product looks on the shelf can make all the difference in whether or not a customer chooses to purchase it. Retail Ready Packaging (RRP) is an increasingly popular solution to this problem, designed to make your product more accessible and visually appealing to customers. But what is the psychology behind RRP, and how can you use it to increase sales? In…
Khushboo Gupta
February 13, 2023

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Top Trends in Corrugated Packaging Innovations for 2023

Corrugated packaging innovations have become increasingly essential in recent years as consumers and businesses become more conscious of the environmental impact of packaging materials. In 2023, we expect to see more trends emerging in the corrugated packaging market, revolutionizing how we package and transport goods. This blog post will explore the top trends in corrugated packaging innovations for 2023. Sustainable Materials In 2023, we will likely see a shift towards sustainable materials in corrugated packaging.…
Khushboo Gupta
January 23, 2023

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Top 7 Tips To Reduce Packaging Waste

As the world becomes more conscious of the impact of our actions on the environment, the issue of packaging waste has become more pressing. In Canada, packaging waste is a significant concern, with an estimated 27% of municipal solid waste coming from packaging materials. As a result, we need to do something to reduce the packaging waste we produce. But the question is, How do we do it? Packaging design and solutions play a crucial…
Khushboo Gupta
January 19, 2023

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The Best Method To Use When Printing On Corrugated Packaging Boxes

Corrugated boxes are preferred for packing because of their durability, strength, affordability, and eco-friendliness. The layers of corrugated sheets make corrugated boxes that can be single, double, or multiple. You're on the right track if you aim to stand out from the competition by printing striking graphics on corrugated packaging boxes. Having your packaging stand out amid a sea of uninspiring cardboard boxes is always a good idea.  There are various purposes for printing on…
October 26, 2022

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Recycled-Content Corrugated Boxes: A Sustainable Solution

As the world becomes more aware of various health and environmental impacts, customers are becoming more conscious of what goes in their trolleys. The green movement is strong globally, with consumers willing to pay a premium for products made from recycled materials and manufacturers increasingly choosing environmentally friendly packaging over non-recyclable plastics, paperboard, and metals. As a result, sustainability has been on the rise and continues to play a significant role in all business areas.…
October 22, 2022

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What is the difference between a carton box and a corrugated box?

You all have heard about "Carton box" and "Corrugated box" and might think both are the same, but that's not true. They both are made of different materials. It's important to distinguish between these two materials because they have vastly diverse properties and applications and are used for two different purposes.  Product packaging is the best way for marketers to aesthetically convey the brand's message and present their product as a superior solution to any…
September 22, 2022

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How does product packaging influence customer behavior

Product Packaging is now used by businesses to promote sales. The packaging's wrapper, color, and other qualities influence the consumer's purchasing decisions. To encourage impetuous purchasing, packaging functions as a complete package that becomes the ultimate selling offer. Therefore, packaging boosts revenue and market share while lowering advertising and marketing expenses. Advertising and brand perception have substantially impacted consumer purchasing decisions and exert a strong positive influence. People have a favorable mindset when they think…
September 10, 2022

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The Environmental Benefits of Using Corrugated Packaging

Heavy-duty corrugated packaging is extensively used for packaging goods such as food items, beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hazardous chemicals, and other materials. Heavy-duty corrugated packaging provides product safety. It also serves as a marketing tool to establish your brand's identity. Packaging ethically, humanely safe, and easy to recycle is called eco-friendly. As people become more conscious of the potential effects that packaging may have on the environment, many organizations are taking steps to make more ethical…
August 26, 2022

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