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Why is Custom Packaging Essential for Starting a Business?

We all enjoy opening gifts, whether it's on Christmas Day, our birthday, or after we've made an internet purchase. As a result, Atlantic Packaging is an essential part of your eCommerce business as it helps your brand deliver stellar packaging experiences to its customers.  Unfortunately, many businesses are unaware that packaging is a crucial component of the product they offer. Why should you fail at the last hurdle when you've worked so hard to produce…
January 24, 2022

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e-comm packaging

The Role of Packaging Design in the E-commerce World

The importance of packaging design is frequently underestimated in the era of digital marketing and online transactions. The quality of the goods you're selling is always crucial, but how it's packaged still matters a lot when it comes to attracting and keeping customers in the e-commerce world. While the shopping experience has changed dramatically in the e-commerce market, it is still critical to address your overall packaging design, which will be distributed through both online…
January 11, 2022

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Effective Ways To Reduce Product Printing and Packaging Cost

.Any company's packaging has both a utilitarian and promotional purpose. Companies spend a lot of money on packing materials to make them both protective and appealing. When corporations want to save expenses, the first thing they think about is what product design improvements may be done to save money. Many people underestimate the possibility of improving the product's package design. Enhancing and optimizing product printing and packaging design may save a business a lot of…
December 23, 2021

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Custom product packaging

Reasons To Invest In Custom Product Packaging Design For Your Business

While product quality is key to maintaining a good brand image and having outstanding customer relationships, one cannot deny the role and influence of good packaging. Investing in custom packaging helps businesses stand out from the competition as it conveys value to customers by showing innovation and differentiation. Whether you work in an online space, own a brick and mortar store, or handle omnichannel retail, good packaging plays a role in each category helping achieve…
December 10, 2021

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atlantic c2

Packaging and Labelling Regulations in the US and Canada

It is critical to have retail packaging that appeals to your target clients to capture their attention and encourage them to purchase your product. However, if you want your product to reach clients in the first place, you must ensure that your packaging complies with the regulatory standards of the market you are targeting. In the United States and Canada, there are numerous packaging and labelling rules. It can be challenging to figure out which…
November 20, 2021

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Custom packaging

Custom Packaging For Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel marketing is a multichannel marketing strategy that allows customers to shop for products both in an offline and online environment. Although omnichannel retail requires a lot of effort, it has significant benefits. Maintaining an online presence while simultaneously being present in stores or other chains can be tremendously helpful to the case. It is now more critical than ever for firms to design custom retail packaging and provide both customers and new clients an…
November 10, 2021

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custom box

Factors To Make Retail Ready Packaging A Success

Factors To Make Retail Ready Packaging A Success Packaging is becoming increasingly critical in the success of brands as they battle for customer attention and retail shelf space. Designing retail-ready packaging has been one of the strategies to increase exposure while conforming to merchants' needs for easy-to-stock products. Take a look at some of the most crucial variables that help make retail packaging a success: Figuring Out Your Shelf Space: It's crucial to consider the…
October 20, 2021

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Blue kraft box product packaging

Why Every Business Needs To Innovate Their Packaging

Updating your packaging may not be high on your company's to-do list, but if you wait too long, you could miss out on some significant revenue opportunities. While sales and income are typically influenced by various factors such as consumer price sensitivity, seasonality, product range, and production material costs, your retail packaging can also be a key sales driver! Atlantic Packaging has always believed in the power of retail-ready and innovative packaging and is helping…
October 4, 2021

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Circular Economy

Circular Economy

 For more than half a century, the term “Recycling” has become a part of everyday life in North America. Everything from coffee cups to newsprint, plastic water bottles, and even fabrics, the system and practice of finding new life in used up products has become common in the marketplace. But the concept of finding new purpose and use for waste materials is far from being a simplistic everyday process. The complexities involved with resurrecting waste…
September 30, 2021

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atlantic b2

Product Packaging: Why It is Important for Every Business

Companies are increasingly conscious that not just a wonderful product, but even product packaging is required to impress their customers. Whether a buyer buys a product online or in a store, the packaging is the first thing they see, and it may make a lasting impression on your brand. This first impression will determine how your product and brand are perceived as a whole. With an explosion of individuals documenting 'unboxing' experiences across social media…
September 22, 2021

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Unique Selling Proposition

Unique Selling Proposition

 In North America, pulp, paper, and packaging is a nearly $200 billion industry,  employing close to 500,000 people, while producing an astounding 97 million tons of paper and packaging products in a year. With that much at stake, how does an organization cut through the clutter of a highly competitive industry, while providing their customers and clients with the most effective and distinctive products and services?    It can be summed up in four words…“Seeing Beyond…
September 15, 2021

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packaging for doughnuts

Can Custom Packaging Boost Sales? Let’s Find Out!

When a consumer orders goods online, they experience a surge of anticipation in the days leading up to the delivery of their package. Original, distinct, and instantly identifiable custom packaging will not only attract your customers but will also aid to raise your brand awareness and, eventually, income for your business. Good business entrepreneurs are continuously looking for new ways to increase revenue. Investing in custom packaging design is one way to do so. Custom…
September 10, 2021

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The Best Ways to Recycle Corrugated Cartons and Boxes

The Best Ways to Recycle Corrugated Cartons and Boxes

With booming e-commerce, online shopping, and increased shipping needs, one must ask the question - where do the boxes go? Thankfully, corrugated boxes and cartons make for easy recycling if they’re kept clean and dry and safe from contaminants (oil, grease). Did you know corrugated boxes can be recycled 5-7 times which is a great advantage for paper mills and businesses? This allows companies to become sustainable and Atlantic Packaging is at the forefront of…
August 25, 2021

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Controlling the Controllable

Controlling the Controllable

The last 18 months have given us many opportunities to grow both as individuals and as companies. We have needed to adapt, pivot, and refocus multiple times as we navigated through three waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. In our industry, this caused major spikes in buying trends, longer lead times, unprecedented growth, and issues with attendance due to staff who are self-isolating. Material costs of starch, pallets, strapping and our raw material “PAPER” increased, and…
August 17, 2021

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Top Performing Strategies to Make Your Packaging More Sustainable

Top Performing Strategies to Make Your Packaging More Sustainable

We are living in times where not being sustainable is not an option anymore for businesses. Businesses have to make a conscious effort to drive ecologically friendly practices that boost and promote a greener footprint. When it comes to packaging, businesses have to make choices and trade-offs that help them grow their business without harming the environment. There are a variety of successful strategies businesses can apply to promote sustainable packaging. From the choice of…
August 8, 2021

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